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Hi, I like your game concept, you organized the game nicely (Forget the bugs). I really enjoyed that game, I think if this is developed in a longer time, it will be worthy of release on Steam, owh yes, I also like your artstyle, simple but memorable. Keep it up, I'll rate you ^_^.


pretty dope, how long did it take you to make 

Jam lasted for a week but 80% of progress happened in the last day


Very cute! But I had trouble understanding at first because there was no sign on the selected structure to build!


The graphics are well made and the overall concept very good. Didn‘t keep me playing for long though because of the negative-resource-bug. Because this has been fixed, I might give it another shot!


I like the game a lot! I'm still kinda confused on how the negative stone and wood works and some other mechanics but I really like the art and premise!

(2 edits)

Negative resources is a bug, was gamebreaking so I also just pushed a fix

edit: reverted fix since I became aware the jam hosts definition of game breaking bugs is very strict. Will put a giant warning on the game page instead


Great game! A big thing I noticed was that because of the fact that you can't remove stuff(that I could find) after a while ruins pile up until you cannot build, thus making endless survival impossible. Amazing game though.


Game currently goes for 17 days with you needing to manage your space to get up to there. If I add a way to go endless in post jam though ill definitely add a way to clear out space


i have -173 wood and -129 stone i dont think that was intentional. great art and gameplay other than that though!

(1 edit)

How did you go into the negatives? Cant think of a mechanic that would cause that cause the only sink for those two is building things

Edit: nevermind found it. One of the resource checks is broken


I really like this game. The background Music is quite nice and I like the mechanics and how you have to plan into the future. However it took me a few minutes to figure some of the Stuff out.  Maybe a bit more work and some feature to expand the island you start on, like being able to build some kind of pathform and I could see myself playing this for some afternoons. Also nice graphics!

(1 edit) (+3)

I survived 12 days on my first run! I think a problem I ran into was I needed time to learn how everything worked and by the time I figured it out, problems were already arising. I'd say for a first run, I recovered pretty well and kept it going for a while. I should've prioritized some objects at a higher level in the long run and that screwed me. Keen to dive into my second run! I can see this becoming a fun puzzle to figure out the best "build" for.

edit: i've been sitting here for the last 6 minutes doing other things with the initial screen music still playing and i'm absolutely loving it as bg music